Saturday, August 18, 2012

This Is Why We Do What We Do!

I challenge you to be dreamers; I challenge you to be doers and let us make the greatest place in the world even better. ~ Brian Schweitzer
A simple trip to the local grocery store to grab a few things for dinner when all at once I see one of my former students from years ago.  The thing is this kiddo is now a grown-up...really, how did this happen??  Our eyes met and he came over to give me a big squeeze.  I'd been thinking about him and his family for sometime and had recently read that he was a new hire in our local school district; a new Language Arts teacher at our local high school.  When I read that awhile back I couldn't help but feel so many emotions:  pride for the wonderful young man he'd become, sad because he's grown up without even asking me, happy that one of our own has now become a teacher!!  Anyway, after our hug I just began rambling because I seem to do it so well.  We talked about lots in those few short minutes but one of the things that he said practically made me cry.  He talked about how it was people like me, teachers, who had really changed his life and made him who he was.  He went on to say that teachers didn't give up on him when, apparently, there was something to give up on??!!  I told him that it was his turn to do the same...a pay it back of sorts.  Wow...ever really realize the impact one person can make on anothers life?  I thought and prayed and promised all the way home.  I thought about those great memories of my former kiddos, I prayed that I could do a good...oops...GREAT job with this years class, and I promised my Lord that I would give it my all from the tips of my toes to the top of my kinda graying head.'s to a great school year of dreams, hopes, wishes and all those impossible things that just might come true.  Happy new school year to all.  P.S.  Yuppers...more pics of my fabulous room.  There'll be lots of learning here (and lots and lots of love:)

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