Monday, February 18, 2013

Reading Connections...So Important!

So here I am late much to do so little time, blah, blah.  I know I say it all the time.  Part of the reason for having little time is my CONSTANT need to create.  It makes me wonder what I'm gonna be when I grow up, haha.  I'm finding more and more that my "release", my "reward" for doing the work I need to get done is creating.  I'm wondering as I look back on my life whether or not I've always been that way.  I guess I have to say yes!  When my kiddos were littles I remember looking at dresses in the store for them and thinking...I could make that and if I did I'd do this..."  and change something to make it my own.  When I run sometimes I play the What Would I Do to That House Game.  Before running by each house  I have to make a change...what color would I paint the house, would I remove shrubs, would I put a bench outside...I guess you could say it's a way to think creatively and fast. 

So today after attending a 1/2 day teacher meeting instead of doing what I know I need to do I decided to create.  I wanted to make some fresh new posters for Reading Connections.  So here they are my friends.  Take a peek; be critical; tell me what I need to do to improve.  Just like the run by the house...quick...what would you change?  Thanks for taking a peek!  You're the best!
Love and Peace,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda!
    I found your blog link on Nikki's Melonheadz blog and I am so excited to find a fellow 3rd grade teacher! I would love for you to visit my blog when you get a chance!
    Patti :)
    A Series of 3rd Grade Events
